Edison & Ford Winter Estates

2350 McGregor Blvd
Fort Myers, FL 33901
United States

The historic winter homes, acres of botanic gardens, museum, laboratory, Garden Shoppe (Garden Center) and Museum Store are open from 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. daily. The last ticket is sold at 4:30p.m. There is no charge for parking and we have parking for buses and recreational vehicles.

There are many events held throughout the year. Visit their website for more.

Visitors to the Edison and Ford Winter Estates will enjoy more than 20 acres of historical buildings and gardens including the 1928 Edison Botanical Research Laboratory.

Open to the public since 1947, Edison Ford is a National Register Historic Site and is one of the most visited historic home sites in America.

Thomas Edison first came to Fort Myers in 1885. He was a well-known inventor in search of a warm escape from the cold northern winters. On his first trip to Southwest Florida he purchased more than 13 acres along the Caloosahatchee River. Edison returned to Fort Myers in 1886 with his new bride, Mina Miller Edison. For the next six decades the Edison family enjoyed their winter retreat. In 1947, Mina deeded the Estate to the City of Fort Myers. Nearly all of the furnishings in the Edison Main House and Guest House are original to the Edison family.

Stroll back in time through twenty acres of gardens and experience what the Edisons created during their many winters in Southwest Florida. Towering ficus trees planted by Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone stand tall in the former research gardens.

The site contains more than 1,700 plants representing more than 400 species from six continents.

The recently renovated Edison Ford Museum features 15,000 square feet of air conditioned exhibits, thousands of artifacts, and a wealth of opportunities for visitors to learn about the innovative minds of two icons.

Visit their website for more.

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